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But if we have no idea the lyrics of the track, then we hum the mistaken song. Get lyrics and a full video of this track here. AZ songs lyrics is a website which contains lyrics of songs of different languages for individuals to see.
It nonetheless does not personal these songs and the ownership of the songs belongs to the respective homeowners. The lyrics displayed on this website is just for instructional function. Masakali is a hindi track from the 2009 film Delhi-6. Masakali singer is Mohit Chauhan. Rahman and Masakali lyricist or song author is Prasoon Joshi.
The hit monitor Masakali from Delhi 6 was originally composed by AR Rahman, sung by Mohit Chauhan and lyrics are penned by Prasoon Joshi. Mohit Chauhan gave voice for the song “मसाकली मसाकली – Masakali Masakali lyrics “. The lyrics for the music have been written by Prasoon Joshi. R. Rahman has given music to the track. The मसाकली मसाकली – Masakali Masakali is a track from the album Delhi 6. Masakali music lyrics in Hindi and Masakali track lyrics in English.
Song lyrics displayed at are only for academic purposes only. Songs lyrics videos and images are copyright to their respective homeowners. Videos embedded on posts are shared from the verified Youtube channels of the songs. The Micro lyrics is among the finest website which contained large collection of Bollywood songs lyrics. Everyone likes to sing a song while listening to songs.