cliche meaning in hindi


cliche means something that is used to make a pun or joke. It is a word that is usually used to make fun of something you do not understand. It is something that is used in a mocking way. It is something that is used in a way that makes fun of itself. It is used to make a word to mean something that is not really meant.

Cliché meaning is usually something that is used to make a pun. Clichés are generally not used to make a joke, but to make a joke that was a joke. They are used to make fun of something that is not really meant. It is used to make something that is not really meant. It is used to make a word to mean something that is not really meant. It is used to make a word to mean something that is not really meant.

Clichés are used to make puns. As a pun is something that is not meant to be funny, Clichés are used to make a joke that was a joke. If a pun is made to make a word that is not really meant, then a cliche is made with the same sense. The cliche is made to make a word that is not really meant. It is not a real word, and it is not used for a joke.

So, since it is not a real word that is made to make jokes, what do you think it is for? Clichés are used to make something that is not really meant. As a pun is something that is not meant to be funny, clichés are used to make a joke that was a joke. If a pun is made to make a word that is not really meant, then a cliche is made with the same sense.

So what does the word cliche mean in Hindi? It’s not a real word, but is a word that is used to make something that is not really meant. So, cliche means a word that is used as a joke. It is a word made to joke, which is made for the purpose of making a joke, which is made for the purpose of making something which is not really meant.

There are two kinds of cliches in Hindi. The first is a simple cliche, which is used to put some emotion into a piece of speech, as if it was meant to be amusing. The second is a much more complicated cliche, which is used to make a joke that is meant to be funny.

The cliches in Hindi are not so simple. The cliches in Hindi are not as simple as most people believe. The cliches in Hindi are so complex that they are not easily explained as jokes. They are too complicated because they are not exactly, you know, jokes. The cliches in Hindi are often used for humor, which is a way of making a joke.

When it comes to the cliches in Hindi, I think it’s important to note that many people find them too simple. Some find them too simple because they believe that they are too simple. They believe that they are something that is not funny or is actually simple. Some believe that the cliches in Hindi are too simple because they are not too well-known. They are not well-known because they are too simple.

I believe that you should not use cliches in Hindi too simply. I believe you should use them to show your point of view, that they are too simple and you are not in the right. So you should use them to make a good joke, to make people laugh. They should not be used for jokes that are not funny.


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