Just like a stage director, we can learn to act at one specific moment in the performance, and it becomes impossible for us to do it correctly later.
The stage directors I grew up with all learned this the hard way. If you wanted to start your new performance in a good way, you had to learn to center your attention on a specific moment in the performance, and then follow through on the next moment exactly. It was a little more difficult if you started your performance with a wrong gesture, a loud crash, a missed cue, or a bad joke.
We are all of us guilty of getting into our own performance too much. We all have a tendency to get our act together and perform to the beat of a song, a song we know well, or a number of other things. We’re all too prone to thinking we’re a star when really we’re just a spotlight.
As it turns out, a lot of the time when we watch ourselves perform, it’s not what we thought we were doing. When we are performing well, it’s because we are doing it for a reason, because we are doing it because we are performing. However, when we are performing poorly, we are performing for no reason at all. We are performing for us, we are performing for our ego.
So we are performing for us and not for us. We are performing for us because we are our best self (and for other people as well), and we are performing for our ego. The ego is our motivation and our drive, and it’s a sad state of affairs when we are performing for the ego, because the ego is the source of our worth, of our value.
We are performing for our ego because our ego is our motivation, and it is the source of our drive. So we are performing for our ego, our ego, and for other people as well, and we are performing for our ego. Our ego is our motivation and our drive. Because the ego is our source of our worth and value.
So, yes, yes, we are performing for our ego. The ego is our motivation and our drive, our reasons for being. Being a part of something is also a performance for our ego, and the ego is the source of our worth and value.
So, to be a part of something is to perform for our ego, and performing for your ego will ultimately drive you to perform for other people. This is why we have to be self-aware, or we’ll perform for other people.
The ego is our primary concern and the source of our worth and value. Ego is what makes us feel important and valuable. So, that means we need to make sure that we are performing for our ego, which in turn will make us perform for other people. If we don’t perform for our ego, we will perform for society and for the world.