a(n) ________ is a variable, usually a bool, that signals when a condition exists?

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A variable is a value that can change. There are many different types of variables, but the one we’re going to focus on today is boolean variables. These are values that either has a true or false state–they signal when conditions exist.

Keyword: boolean variables

boolean, fractal, cube @ Pixabay

Variables are values that can change. There are many different types of variables, but the one we’re going to focus on today is boolean variables. These are values that either has a true or false state–they signal when conditions exist. __ A variable is a value that can change and there are many different types of them, but you’ll be focusing on booleans today because they signify whether something exists or not! Booleans usually take up only two states – ‘true’ and ‘false’.

They test for things like if someone has gotten out of bed yet or if it’s raining outside which means your build should wait until morning before starting production line procedures. 


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