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We have all been there. You are reading a book and you come across the sentence, “I went to the store.” Who is this person? Are they male or female? What gender pronouns should be used for them? This is a weak or indefinite reference. The best way to fix these references include using pronouns such as he/she, him/her, she/he, her/him, etc. The best way to fix these references include using pronouns such as he/she, him/her, she/he, her/him.

Pronoun Order | Grammar Girl

What is the example of a pronoun?

Example: “I went to the store.” He is walking down the street and sees a woman with an unruly dog in tow. The first thing that comes to mind are all of those times his mother told him not to trust women who had dogs. But this time was different because it wasn’t just any old mutt, it was a Great Dane. He meets Charlene when they both happen on the same big rock while hiking up Town Creek Mountain at Chattahoochee National Forest Park near Atlanta 100 miles from their homes in Alabama and Florida respectively to catch.


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