word written in red


To many people red is a color that seems to stick in their mind. Red is a color that makes you want to stand up and yell “hey!” to somebody. To others, it is a color that sends chills down your spine. To many others, it is a color that makes you want to jump out of your chair and yell “I don’t like that!” But that’s just what it is.

Red is just one of those colors that brings you to the top of your head and makes you feel like you made the right choice when choosing it. It is the color that you feel is most like you in the moment, when in reality it is just a color, and the moment is only one that can be experienced.

In this video, I’m sure many of you have felt the impact of this color when watching news reports or being told about it in person. It’s the color that reminds you that your life, and everyone else’s too, is in constant flux. Red and blue are colors that are used for everything from tattoos to tattoo parlors to the color of a blood stain.

To me it’s a color that I can relate to because it’s the color of blood. It’s like the color of life or something that was once a part of your past that you can’t get back. In this video, I am reminded of the fact that I am still in existence. I am a part of the world that is now and I am part of time. It is a color that I know will be with me forever.

And when you see this color, you will get a strong reaction like the one that I got when I saw the blood on the ground. I got this strong feeling that I am still alive. I am still a part of the world and I am still a part of time. Its a color and a memory that you will see with you for the rest of time.

You look at this color, and you will see a black hole. You will see a black hole and you will see the end of time. You will see that I am still alive. You see that in this color that there is a black hole, and that is part of time. You see that there is a black hole and you will see that I am still alive.

We’ve seen this in a galaxy far far away, too. In the future you will see a black hole and you will see the end of time. You will see that I am still alive. You see that in this color that there is a black hole, and that is part of time. You see that there is a black hole and you will see that I am still alive.

The black hole in the future is like that in the present, so you see that we are still alive. The black hole in the past is like that in the future, so you see that we are still alive. The black hole in the present is like that in the past, so you see that we are still alive. The black hole in the future is like that in the now, so you see that we are still alive.

That’s a really neat way to look at time! It’s just like having a light bulb in the middle of a dark room. A little bit of time in the middle of a dark room creates a little bit of a black hole, but then we have light from all kinds of other sources. If we had a black hole in the past, for example, that would have created a time loop, too.

As it turns out, that’s exactly how the future looks to us. We can’t see what’s happening in the past because the past is too far in the future for us to really grasp. All we can do is look forward and hope that it will end soon. However, it seems like time loops are becoming more common, and they seem to be more fun than ever. I’m sure they have a purpose, but it seems like we’re starting to see them everywhere.


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