why is poetry powerful


Poetry is a beautiful way to help us understand the world and ourselves, and it can do so with both humor and truth.

In fact, poetry is not just an intellectual pursuit, it can be a way of looking at the world, and looking at ourselves, and it can help us change the way we think.

I think as a writer we are challenged with a lot of things. To help us on this journey, I found a few ways to make poetry more powerful. First, I found that a lot of poetry is personal. It’s about the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions. When we write poetry, we usually write it for someone else. We might talk about a current event, a person, a place, a story, or something we think that might inspire you.

It helps to remember that our poems can be used for different purposes. You can use them for your own pleasure, to give other people a lift when they are down, to share your thoughts with someone else, to make you feel a little less alone.

That’s why poets are so powerful — they can make you feel like you’re the only one in a room. They can make you feel small, insignificant. They can make you feel like you can do something bigger than yourself. They can make you feel like you can do something heroic.

To me, the strongest part of poetry is the idea that it can transform your world. In my experience, it can take me several different directions, but the core thing is it can make me feel a little better about myself. That makes me feel like I can do something that might make someone else feel even better about themselves.

I know this is kind of a stretch, but the ability to write a poem that you don’t even recognize, or even notice when it’s written, makes me a little bit more self-aware. It’s like when I was a kid and my mother made me write a poem every day for a week. I wrote a poem a few times, but I just didn’t remember it. That little change in my self-awareness made me feel a little more self-aware about myself.

Sometimes it feels as if a poem makes you feel as if you are just the words on a page. It makes you feel as if you can do anything. Most people don’t realize their power until they’ve been struck by lightning or heard a voice inside their head, but a great poem can make you feel like you can do anything.

It can be a hard concept to grasp, but here’s the thing. The more you write, the more you feel that you can do anything. This is why poetry is powerful. It really is.

There are many reasons why it is so powerful. First, poetry is a language that has been around for thousands of years. This is one of the reasons why we are so much more comfortable with it than speech. Another reason is that the way we use our language is so natural, but so easy to overuse, that we have come to expect it. The last reason is that it is so easy to just fall into a rhythm or a flow.


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