the reading describes foul smelling stuff as coming from


The writing describes foul smelling stuff as coming from the air. It is a natural occurrence that air that smells bad is what causes many of the unpleasant smells and airborne things that we get.

I think that reading the reading describes foul smelling stuff as coming from the air is a little misleading. It’s not that the writing describes foul smelling stuff as coming from the air. The writing is a description of what smell the air, but because of the language used, it’s actually describing what is coming from the air. The writing is not like a natural occurrence. It’s a description of what is happening (e.g.

a gas cylinder, a pool of blood, a car battery, a pool of vomit.

The thing is, the description of the atmosphere seems to be coming from the writing. We see the writing describing something coming from the air, and the writing gets the things coming from the air, which makes it seem as if the writing is describing a natural occurrence.

Is this all a coincidence or some kind of mind-control experiment? The description is coming from the written. But a scientist would have to have a very strong psychological connection between the air and the written to see that connection and make the writing describe what it is that is coming from the air. It could be that the writing is actually describing the air, but the writer is not seeing the air.

But there are some other possibilities as well. The writing could be describing a natural event, but the writer is not seeing the event. The writing could be describing a natural event, but the writer is seeing something else.

The writing could be describing a particular event, but the writer is not seeing that event. In this case the writing might actually be describing the event, but the writer is not seeing that event. The writing could be describing the event, but the writer is seeing something different.

There are many different levels of interpretation of the writing. Some might say the writing is describing something else. Some might say the writing is describing the event. Some might say the writing describes the event, but the writer is seeing something else.

The writer could be seeing something different. Some might say that the writing is describing the event, but the writer is seeing something else.

The writer could be seeing something different. Some might say that the writing is describing something else. Some might say the writing is describing the event, but the writer is seeing something else.The writer could be seeing something different. Some might say that the writing is describing the event, but the writer is seeing something else.Some might say that the writing is describing the event, but the writer is seeing something else.


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