sad monologues about death


I am not a fan of monologues, but this is a monologue I have to share in order to bring up my feelings toward the death of someone I love. I have been in a state of loss for a long time, and I decided to put some of it into words and share them with you.

I found the first monologue on our website, and it pretty much sums up my feeling toward the death of my wife. I feel like the last few days have been a wake-up call for me. I’m not the only one in this situation. In fact, I’m the first one to admit it. We all feel like we’re going through something, and we all feel like there’s no point in trying to deny it. But we are all also just human.

I’ve been there. I just get the feeling that I’m one of those people who doesn’t want to look at my dead wife and the empty space in my heart. I mean, it’s just so hard to look at that.

This is the point where the feeling of being able to say “I’m sorry” begins to go away. We all know there are people out there who are just not saying things, and the people who “say” what they feel are the ones who might be the most vulnerable to the things we have to say.

The thing that is so frustrating about death is that so many people are caught up in it and then feel stuck. The things we can say about death are so powerful, such a part of who we are, and yet so many people feel like they can’t say them because they are afraid of what they might say or become unable to let go of the pain and the sadness.

That is the thing that can make you feel like you cant say the things you really want to say because you are afraid you will be unable to let go of it. And that can happen to anyone.

Sad things happen to everyone. But I’ll be honest with you right now. I have yet to meet a person who has found their very own sadness “caught up in it.” It is something that is so normal and so natural to us, and so it is something that everyone experiences. The fact that everyone has it is a good thing.

If you can let go of sadness, you can let go of life. Everyone you meet will be happy. Everyone you love will be happy. Everyone you hate will be happy. And even if that sadness is painful to you, you will be grateful just to have it.

I love how it seems everyone has a story about something they’re experiencing sadness about. That’s because we share the same feelings about it. We all have had stories about the death of loved ones, the loss of a job, the death of a friend, the death of a loved one. We all know someone who’s going through a difficult time.

Its funny how the death of someone you thought you knew, makes you more aware. You know what will be different about your experience of death? You will feel less sad, less sad. You will be less sad. Less sad, less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad. Less sad.


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