prompt reply


My favorite responses to “What’s a good way to start the new year?” are “Do something good for someone else” and “Make memories.” While we may start the year with a smile and a “Happy New Year”, we will get so caught up in our lives and the demands of work and family that it will be hard to find a momentary respite to be thankful for what God has given us.

I think what’s most important to remember is that we are not in this to look back and be grateful. We are in this because we are here to do what God has called us to do. He has blessed us with the ability to be happy, to do good while we are alive, and to be thankful for what God has given us.

This is the reason why we don’t look back on the good. We look back on the bad and complain that life is hard because of it. We want to leave this world better than we found it, but we aren’t looking to go back and make things better. God is not happy with our failure and wants us to strive to do better.

We all want what God has given us, but there is a difference between God being happy and God wanting us to do it, and God wanting us to do it. When we fail, we fail in all the ways that we know it to be good. God is not happy with our failure and wants us to strive to do better. He wants us to strive to do what it is that we know is good and His will be done.

I believe God loves us so much that He would want us to do what He’s given us. I think that the best way to deal with our failures is to learn from them, try something new, and be patient with ourselves. I know this is a difficult message to take, but I think God’s love is so great it’s like a force that will do exactly what He wants, even if it’s hard.

God is a lot like our human society in that He is kind and loving and good. Although He seems to have taken our brokenness and thrown it in His face, He still loves us just the way we are. We might not be perfect, but He wants us to strive to be better, and to work on ourselves. God is constantly trying to make us better, and our failures are like an opportunity to learn.

Like many human beings, we tend to think of God as something great and perfect, but God is not the same as anyone else. He is a force of nature. God is not a bad person or a being of evil, He is simply good, and even when He is not nice, that is because He loves us. He wants us to be better, and he wants to help us realize that we can be better.

God, and our Creator (yes, it’s a very big word), are two words we use to refer to God. We are made in the image of God, but we are not the image of God. It is the image of God that we see. God is not our father, nor is he our mother. We are not his children. The image of God is what we see of God when we look at Him.

This is another one of those statements that just makes me think of the movie The Ten Commandments. We’re told by God that our lives are evil and that we have to do what the Ten Commandments tell us to do. We’re told that to be a good person is to do good. We’re told to love our brother and our sister and our friend. We’re told to keep the Sabbath and be nice to our enemies.

Our father is not God, and our mother is not our mother. They are our father and mother… and it is not our father and mother who are the parents of us. They are our father and mother, but not our parents. We are not their children. They are our father and mother.


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