prologue epilogue


I am a writer. I write fiction and nonfiction, and I write about many topics in the world of work. I write about everything from the personal to the political. I write about the things that affect us all everyday. And I write the things that affect me.

I’m not going to lie – being on the internet is scary. Especially for someone who has been on the internet long enough to know how bad the internet can be. The internet has been a very scary place for me and many others. It’s not just “search engines” like Google that have made it so easy to get access to the internet, it’s the “social media” sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook is the biggest of all social media sites. Its easy to get into, easy to be addicted to, and easy to fall victim to a lot of the same kinds of “bad” behavior as all the other social media sites do. While Facebook has a lot of good features, such as the ability to make friends and share photos and videos, it has also done a lot of things to make it more addictive.

For example, it started to take users hours and hours of effort to get into its Facebook account. A user can just type in their name, and then click on the Facebook logo to access their Facebook profile. This is a huge, giant pain in the ass, as it takes time and effort to get into the Facebook account. In fact, I’m told this is the reason why Facebook is so addictive.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I love Facebook. It started as a place for people to “friend” each other. Now we use it to share photos and videos of ourselves, and we even use it for our friends to see us when we’re out. It’s a huge, massive hassle to get into the Facebook account.

Like Facebook, Twitter is also a huge, huge pain to get into. Like them, too, is a huge, huge hassle to get into. I know this because I have already been to their website and I am not impressed.

I dont want to sound snarky, but this is the only thing I have to say. For all of the other reasons I just described, I have absolutely no interest in getting into a Facebook account. I also don’t want to sound snarky, but this is the only thing I have to say. For all of the other reasons I just described, I have absolutely no interest in getting into a Facebook account.

I don’t even want to get into the “It takes a lot of time” part of that statement. I don’t want to get into the “It takes a lot of time” part of that statement.

We know that the It takes a lot of time is actually the title of this trailer. As we know from the prologue, Colt Vahn is in fact a former party-kid who went through a time loop (well, sorta) as an adult, and came back as a kid in his teens. The time loop is just the name he gives to it, because people who have spent any significant amount of time in a time loop tend to get the name right.

So we know that time looping is one of the most important elements of the game, and that it’s what makes Deathloop so cool. Because it’s just so easy. You can just pick up your phone, hit a button, and the game will pop up. There’s nothing really to do, but the game will pop up where you left off. And in the game itself, you can do all sorts of cool things like buy, sell, or exchange items in the game.


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