one of the purposes of satire is to


“In this article, I am going to reveal the one thing that makes me so damn mad. And it is the one thing that I cannot stand, and that is the idea that all jokes are good to begin with.

This idea, of course, is a cornerstone of satire. It’s why people will tell you “don’t read the joke, it’s not funny.” It’s why people will always say “well, if you don’t like the joke, then punch you in the face.

Satire is not the act of telling a joke, it is the act of telling a truth. This means that satirists are not going to tell you things you don’t know about, but they do tell you things you don’t know and believe you should. However, if you are one of those people who is always telling others you dont know these things, then you are probably suffering from a very severe case of mistaken conviction.

The term satire is often used to criticize those you disagree with, and those who they think disagree with them, but what it really means is that the writer of a satirical work assumes that you share their beliefs. This is because satire is the process of revealing the truth about the beliefs of others. You dont need to be wrong to be offended.

One of the reasons I admire satire so much is because not only is it based on truth, but it is always accurate. If you write about the problems of society then you might as well just write about people who are as bad off as you are. If you think the people of the United States are as bad off as the people of the United Kingdom then you can probably write about that.

I think this is why satire is so effective. You can tell the truth without being offensive. You dont have to be right to be offended, but you need to be accurate.

The problem with satire is that in order to be accurate you have to be so far off the mark as to make it a laughing stock. That means your characters are not as real as you think they are. And you can’t really pretend that they are, because you can’t really make them look like real people. But satire can actually be an effective way to make people think about things that they really, really don’t know.

Satire is the art of getting people to react to something in a way that they would normally do. You probably know this from watching The Daily Show, but you can actually do this too. Take a scene or something in the news that you really dont want to see, and create a scene that shows you as the person reacting to it. Then take that same scene, and make it a parody scene. You might not laugh as hard as you would if you were actually in the scene.


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