make your own super villian


I have to take a deep breath before I get to the point where I am going to describe this. I have been doing a lot of reading lately and have come to the opinion that there is no such thing as a “super villain”. They are a really small and insignificant group of people. Even the people who are best at villainy are not actually “villains”.

Maybe I should point out that people who are villains are actually better people than the people who are not villains. This is what makes true villains feel so bad. I am not saying the people who run the government are not villains. They are. I am saying the people who run the government make the most terrible villains.

It’s like the people who run government have no morals and are so evil that they have no remorse, but when you hear them speak, they are so evil that they are totally unaware of their actions.

Its quite obvious that the people running the government would have no control over their own actions, but they are so evil that they are so evil that they want to make sure all the people who do wrong turn out to be good and to feel all the guilt. It’s like the people who run the government are the evil step children of the people who run the government, and they are so evil that they feel compelled to make sure that everyone is always good.

It’s important to note that the people running the government are actually not evil, although they are so evil that they feel compelled to make sure everyone is always good. They are a collection of evil step children of the people who run the government, and so they feel compelled to make sure that everyone is always good. And as the people running the government are evil, they feel compelled to make sure that everyone is always good.

That’s one of the things that makes us love our jobs and our country so dearly. We feel obligated to make sure that everyone is always good, because we love the way our government works.

And because we’re all evil, we feel compelled to make sure that everyone is always good. So you can’t really get around it, but the more evil you are the more you have to make sure that everyone is always good. You have to make sure that everything you do is good for everyone else.

I don’t think anyone is really good. I think everyone has their own good or evil tendencies, but I don’t think anyone is really good. But I think that we are all good, and if we could all be good, then everything would be perfect and perfect people would all be good.

I think that there are two types of super villains, the good ones and the evil ones. There are so many good people out there. But there are also so many evil people out there. Good is relative, but you know, you can’t really go around and change the world. You can try, but there are too many bad people out there. So you have to make sure that you are always the good one.


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