juxtaposition in a sentence


So, let me get this straight.

Yeah, okay, the juxtaposition of two sentences is what this post is about. And we’re not talking about putting one sentence on top of another, either. I’m talking about making a sentence that is at least two words long, but in the middle of it is another sentence.

The sentence is between two other sentences, which is the opposite of what this post is about. This is a very common technique for people to use with phrases like “there are two ways to do it,” “there is only one way to do it,” or “there are two ways to cut it,” which is a sentence of its own.

When I’m talking about this, I’m most often using it in the sentence “There are two ways to cut a pizza, and I’m going to tell you about one of them.” It’s a phrase that can be used to talk about just one item, or it can be used to talk about more than one item.

This is a great example of this. A person who says, “There are two ways to cut a pizza,” can cut a pizza either way it’s cut. They can cut a pizza in any way they want, or they can cut it in two different ways, which is one of the ways to cut a pizza.

There is also a third way, which is to say, There are two ways to cut a pizza that both cut a pizza in two different ways. However, the person who says that in the above sentence is in fact saying that they cut a pizza in two different ways. I’d have no idea which of those two is which if I’d written it in a sentence.

The sentence above is a bit of a mouthful, so let’s break it down. The person who says “There are two ways to cut a pizza that both cut a pizza in two different ways” says that there are two ways to cut a pizza that both cut a pizza in two different ways, but we can cut a pizza in two different ways that both cut a pizza in two different ways.

This kind of juxtaposition is what makes it such a big deal in the sentence so I think it’s good to point it out. It gives you an insight into the person who made the sentence.

The word juxtaposition is also used in a different way in a sentence that is a real classic. There is a movie called Diner. When we first see the movie we get a bunch of lines that are juxtapositions and they are all great because you just hear what the other person says and you can see how they are trying to tell you something.

The same applies to the word juxtaposed. You are not allowed to tell the same story in the same way twice. A good example of this is the movie The Last Picture Show. The movie was based on a book written by the same writer. The book was about a man who goes to a diner and tries to find a lost dog in the meat. When he finds it, he tries to sell it to a movie producer.


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