in 2018, internet users were split over whether a mysterious sound was either “yanny” or what?

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What is “yanny?” I feel like I’ve heard it so many times before that I don’t have an answer for it. This is why it’s frustrating when you’re stuck in traffic and the police are telling you to pull over.

What is yanny I feel like Ive heard it so many times before that I dont have an answer for it. This is why its frustrating when youre stuck in traffic and the police are telling you to pull over.

If youre in traffic and you hear a strange noise that doesnt sound like “yanny”, that may be what is. The term “yanny” is derived from the Japanese word “yamaha” which is a tree. Yanny is related to “yamaha” and “yamaha,” which is basically what a yanny sound is. Yanny sounds like a quiet laugh or a deep, mysterious laugh.

On the other hand, the sound in question is not necessarily yanny, but rather the sound of a strange, deep, and mysterious laugh. I have no idea what that is, but it certainly sounds like it. I like this concept of yanny, but I dont think it will be the same type of sound youre going to hear in 2018.

Yanny means “laugh.” It is a very common word (and a popular one) and is a very popular sound word in Japan. It is derived from the Japanese word yamaha which is a tree (note: not a plant). But I dont think you will be hearing this sound in 2018.

There is a lot of evidence that this sound is not a joke, but rather a serious reference to something that has taken place in the past, and that something is clearly related to a deep and mysterious laugh. It is also possible that this sound is a reference to a very specific scene from a movie that has a similar sound to yanny.

I think that this sounds like a reference to “Yanny is the name of a Japanese girl who was kidnapped by the Japanese military in the early 20th century for the purpose of having her DNA tested.” But then I think that the reference to a Japanese girl being kidnapped in the early 20th century is a joke, but I’m not sure that it is.

Yanny is a fairly common name in Japan, and the sound is said to be a reference to a Japanese female singer who got kidnapped in the early 20th century. But I think that the joke is that, in Japan, if you are a girl and you are kidnapped by the Japanese military, you are still taken to a different part of the country than your actual home country.

If you are a girl and you are kidnapped by the Japanese military, you are said to be made to wear a different kind of underwear than your actual home country’s. No, really. That is basically a joke, but I just thought I’d point that out because I was actually thinking about it.

It’s interesting to see how attitudes towards Japanese people have changed in the past century. It seems like a lot of people now believe that if you’re kidnapped by the Japanese military, that you’re still in Japan. Which is pretty weird because the Japanese military was founded in the US in WW2. That’s also pretty weird. Because of that, I’m not sure if the “yanny” joke was a joke or not.

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