how does the use of the understatement in the excerpt affect this part of the scene?


This one is a little tricky. There are three levels of self-awareness that are described in the excerpt, so it is difficult to say who is being self-aware.

The most obvious level of self-awareness happens here when Colt is trying to get his memory back. In this case it is possible that Colt may feel a little self-conscious. In a case like this, an automatic response is to start laughing at himself for being so gullible.

Another automatic response is to give a big ‘ol grin and say, “I can do that.” We do that here, too. But that’s because Colt has the ability to use a little bit of a meta-cognition to make fun of himself.

There is no point in making light of ourselves in this scene. A person with self-awareness knows that they are not that gullible. In fact, they know they are so good at it that they know they’re better than anyone around them. That doesn’t mean they want anyone to know they can be so confident and self-aware. It just means that they are aware of where they are in the game and their abilities.

When we do this, we take ourselves seriously. We are aware of what we are doing and why we do it. We are aware of what we are doing to ourselves. And that is a powerful thing in game.

The use of the word “knowing” in the quote is a subtle way of saying that while they may be confident that they can do something, they don’t have to be.

The only reason we are talking about this is because they are aware of it. It is not a weakness. It is a strength.

The use of the word knowing is a good thing because it makes it seem like they are not going to be caught off guard. But this is still a weakness because we are still not fully aware of what they are doing. This is how we know that the word we are using is effective in this context.

The word they are using is a good one, but the way they are using it is a weakness. They have not taken the time to learn how to use that word correctly, and are therefore using it incorrectly.

In the first scene, we see the two Visionaries sitting in a park with a large fire burning in the background. It is implied that they are talking, but only a few seconds later, we see that they have not been talking. They have not even been sitting still. They have been moving around, trying to get some heat, but they are still not talking.


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