difference between a sign and a symbol


A sign is a visual representation of something. A symbol is a representation of something. The difference is that a sign can be changed and a symbol can’t.

So, a symbol can be changed to mean something else, but a sign can’t. A symbol can be changed to mean something else, but a sign can’t be changed to mean something else.

In the case of signs, the change is trivial and they can be changed into whatever the user wants them to be. For example, if a person decided that the word “HONEST” was a symbol, they could change it to “HONEST”. But a sign can’t be changed to mean something else. For example, a person could change the word “HONEST” to “DOUBLE HONEST”.

In the case of symbols, the change is big and meaningful. A symbol can be changed to mean any meaning they want to. A sign cant be changed to mean anything else. For example, a person could change the word HONEST to DOUBLE HONEST.

The idea of a symbol is that it can be changed into anything you want it to be. A sign can be changed to mean any meaning you want it to mean. A symbol can be changed to any meaning you want it to mean. A sign cant be changed to mean anything else. For example, a person could change the word HONEST to DOUBLE HONEST.

A symbol can be changed to mean any meaning they want to. A sign cant be changed to mean anything else. For example, a person could change the word HONEST to DOUBLE HONEST.

A sign is a letter, symbol is a picture.

I don’t have an issue with symbols and signs. I do think that both have their plusses and minuses. A sign is a tangible thing that can be changed by the community. A symbol is a tangible thing that can’t be changed because it’s a picture and can only be altered by the owner of the symbol.

Symbol is a tangible thing that can be changed by the community. The community has a say in what a symbol means. For example, the word LEANING is a symbol, but its meaning can only be changed by the community if you put a sign in front of it. If you put a sign in front of the word LEANING, some people will think the word is leaning. But the word is not leaning.

A sign is a tangible thing that can be changed by the community. A symbol is a tangible thing that cannot be changed by the community. A symbol cannot be changed by the community. So, the fact that the word is a symbol is what makes it a symbol.


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