
korean in chinese

I would guess that if you’re a native speaker of any one of the languages that the majority of you are fluent in, then you have probably learned the language of your...

soup recipe roxane gay actually enjoys

Now this is the part you won’t want to miss. This is one of my favorite soups because it uses the exact right ingredients that will make this dish feel like you’re...

short argument 8 letters

The first three letters of the alphabet are commonly used for the sake of convenience and familiarity to the reader. For example: B, C, and D. The next three letters, A, E,...

these are the facts or details that back up a main idea, theme, or...

This is a very common error people make when it comes to writing. It's the same for the fact or details they are writing about. The fact or details are used as...

love prompts

It is often said that love is the most important thing in the world. However, this doesn’t mean that we should stop working to get it. It means that we should start...

screenwriting exercises

Screenwriting is a craft that makes a difference. And you do it by writing.Every time you write a scene or an article, you're taking a little bit of that craft that you...

satire authors

We have a lot of opinions about ourselves, we have a lot of opinions about people, but if you look at it from the perspective of human history, the majority of those...

what is a satire movie

This is a question that most of the population is not even aware of. I feel like the general public has only a vague idea of what satire is or how satire...

what rhymes with real

Is there an actual rhyme or two for real? Well, I’d say it is real, but I’m not 100% sure. So, I’m going to guess that rhymes with real is kind of...

what is a narrative paragraph

A narrative paragraph is a paragraph with one or more sentences that tells the reader what the main idea is of the paragraph in a way that is consistent with what the...

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Businesses are always looking for innovative solutions to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. To find bottlenecks in operations, businesses audit the processes with the...