another word for story


I’m sure I haven’t said this in a long time, but when it comes to stories, a lot of them are based on how they end. We make them up and then we write them down, but we don’t necessarily make them up the way we have them.

Yeah, I think that’s because we don’t have the words for it. We don’t know how we are going to end this story. There’s a lot of stuff going on, and it’s hard for a writer to know what to do at the end of a story or how to bring things to a satisfying close.

The game ends with a grand speech by Colt, one of the four (mostly) Visionaries, about how he’s now the leader of the island and that he will be bringing the other Visionaries to their knees. The speech was delivered by the character of Colt Vahn, who has been locked in a time loop since his original identity was stolen by another Visionary.

The game ends with a grand speech by Colt, who is now the leader of the island and the leader of the Visionary party. The speech was delivered by the character who played the part of Colt Vahn, who has been locked in a time loop since his original identity was stolen by an enemy of the island.

I actually found the speech to be quite a bit weaker than I imagined. It seemed like Colt was trying to convince the Visionaries that he’s not a threat so they all help each other. Instead, I think it was really just Colt repeating what he said in the previous speech. This speech is the kind of weak and unoriginal speech you hear from people who are trying to convince you they’re not a threat.

I believe the speech was intended to be a bit more emotional and to be more “real”. I was confused by the fact that Colt said he had a vision and that he wanted to kill all the Visionaries. I think these were just the words right before the speech, so they had no real impact. The speech was just a little bit weaker than I thought it would be.

The speech was just a little bit weaker than I thought it would be. I was confused by the fact that Colt said he had a vision and that he wanted to kill all the Visionaries. I think these were just the words right before the speech, so they had no real impact. The speech was just a little bit weaker than I thought it would be.

There is a lot of text in the trailer. It’s more or less a detailed description of what the game is about. I did find myself confused at one point because I thought Colt was saying that he wanted to kill them all, but that wasn’t the case. All I know is that he said he had a vision and killed them. All I know is that he said he had a vision and killed them.

There is a lot of text in the game. It’s also not actually the whole game, which is what you will actually find. There is a lot of text. The developer said that it was supposed to be a “short but intense episode.

It’s a lot of text in the game, but the short and intense episode that it is supposed to be, is all a single chapter in the game, so I guess if you’re still confused, you can probably skip over it.


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