I once had a conversation with a friend who had just started a new job in his city. His coworker was telling him that they had just started a new job in another city, and his friend said, “So, where will you work?” to which the coworker replied, “Oh, I’d like to work here.” and then proceeded to start fumbling with his phone.
This kind of thing happens a lot. It’s not that everyone is trying to change their jobs – or change anything – they just have a job that they love and have been offered. But that’s not very interesting to the people who are actually doing the changing. So much of what happens between a new job offers and a new job isn’t about the new job at all. It’s about the new job’s friends and how they behave in their new job.
Its like if its so hard to get new jobs, what we really need is more jobs. But who wants to work for a company that has a bunch of new jobs every week. That has to be so boring and tedious. But if you actually get a new job, then youll have to interact with a lot of people (and I can relate) and you need to be able to deal with the stress of it all.
It’s like if you’re a person, and you get a new job, then you have to deal with a lot of new people, and it’s not like you can just walk into a new job and not have to deal with all the new people. So its kind of like we’re living in a world of new jobs, new people, and new people being new jobs. So you can’t just start working there and just have it all be like a normal job.
I totally agree with this. Its like every job (even normal ones) is a learning experience. But the more you know about something, the more it affects you. A job that you’ve been doing for years and have done very well is going to be a little harder to adapt to than one that you just found out about and are going to have to adjust to quicker than you probably thought you would.
But I think the real reason that people say they do well here is because they are doing the right thing. So in that way, all of us are doing the right thing. We are working on getting the right jobs, on making the right choices. The problem is that as a society we are so stuck on thinking of ourselves as a “good person”, that we don’t realize that the only thing that counts is “doing the right thing.
Maybe, but I think what we all do is we go to the movies and then we say, “Well, I’m going to act like I’m so much more interesting than I actually am.” That’s why it makes sense that people who have a good amount of self awareness are able to enjoy themselves, because they aren’t in a constant state of worry and insecurity about their own actions.
In this instance, a lot of people have a lot of self-awareness, but a lot of us are so self-absorbed that we don’t know we are self-absorbed. We never fully stop to realize that we are in charge of our own actions, and that we can do whatever we want when we are feeling good.
There is a lot of self-awareness in this game, but it is largely limited to the main character Colt himself. He is an amnesiac who is constantly trying to figure out how to get in touch with his past. But unlike in most games, he doesnt have a backstory he feels he needs to find out. I mean lets be real, we dont want to know.
I think you got it right, we don’t want to know. But I digress.