angie varona

tealights, prayer, tea candles @ Pixabay

I’m not a “weirdo”, but I am a self-admitted weirdo. I’m a self-described “weird” in that I like to dress up (and sometimes completely mess with) my outfits and people. I’m a self-proclaimed “weird” in that I like to listen to music, dress up (and sometimes completely mess with), and have no problem making out with strangers.

I love both of those things. I’m still not even sure what weird means, but I’m also a bit of a weirdo. As for the rest of the strangeness I have to be self-admitted, I love the beach.

Some weirdos are also weird. We all know that is a word that gets thrown around a lot. Weirdos are weirdos so you can see why. Weirdos is also a verb. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective. Weirdo is an adjective.

Weirdos are weirdo’s.

Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos.

Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos. Weirdos are weirdos.

Well now, we’re getting into the weird territory. But we don’t want to go there. No, we want to go back to the good old days.

Okay, but the good old days are over. When we were a kid we were all obsessed with the fact that we were the smartest kids in all of the universe. And we still are. But being a kid is hard. And it’s also hard to be a kid. Because you’re a kid, and you have to deal with all of the different people you meet, and you have to deal with all of the things you hear and see and do.

And that happens so fast. It seems like we should be prefect, but theres a lot of stuff that happens every day that makes us wonder if we’re even prefect anymore. Some of those things are things we deal with at work. Some of them are things we do with our friends. Some of them are things that we just deal with by ourselves.

I am actually not a kid. And I don’t think we should be prefect either. We should be normal. We should know how to be ourselves, be authentic, and not be afraid to try new things. We should be able to be our true selves.

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I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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