a(n) _____ allows a user to specify a task without specifying how the task will be accomplished.,

artificial intelligence, robot, ai @ Pixabay

A programming language is a set of instructions for the computer to follow. The goal of most languages is to make it easier for programmers to create programs that can be used by other people. A task-oriented language, like , allows a programmer to specify a task without specifying how the task will be accomplished. This means that different programmers can complete the same project in their own way and still have it work successfully. Paragraph: The benefits of using task-oriented languages have been proven by the success of .  is an example language that does not specify how a task will be accomplished, but instead focuses on what needs to happen in order for a project to work properly. This allows programmers within the same company to use different programming methods and still create something that’s just as good as their counterparts who are more rigid about coding practices.


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