
tealights, prayer, tea candles @ Pixabay

I’m not sure it’s a good way to think about this issue, but I do think there is a hierarchy to how we perceive life. Right now. Am I happy with my life? Am I sad? Sad. Am I worried? Worry. Do I feel anxious? Worried. Do I have a lot of anxiety? Some. Am I happy? Yes. Am I having a lot of anxiety? Yes. Am I having a lot of happiness? Yes.

I think that there is a hierarchy of importance to what it means to be happy. Am I happy I don’t need to work hard to get it. Am I happy I don’t need to try and improve my work. Am I happy I don’t need to worry about the future. Am I happy I don’t need to change the way I live. Am I happy I don’t need to try and change The World Around Me. Am I happy with my life Yes.

Are you happy Yes.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me. Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.I don’t care.I don’t need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.

But am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me. Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.Am I happy I dont need to change The World Around Me.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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