Absolute references are marked with a #. When referencing the cell, as in A1 or G2-H5, Excel automatically updates the reference when you copy and paste it to other cells. This is an excellent way to create formulas that work on different parts of your spreadsheet without having to do a lot of manual updating.
When: When referencing the cell, as in A-D or G-H. Excel automatically updates the reference when you copy and paste it to other cells. This is an excellent way to create formulas that work on different parts of your spreadsheet without having to do a lot of manual updating. Where: Absolute references are marked with a # symbol near their respective column letter and row number for quick identification. For example, B25 would be labeled “B25”. You can also use relative references if you want more flexibility over where calculations take place within your sheet such as R20C16. Which will still point at C17 no matter how far down or across we go.