a(an) ________ is a basic sound unit of a given language.,

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What is a basic sound unit? A sound, especially in a language, that forms the smallest phonetic unit of speech. ASL Basic Sound Units: In American Sign Language, basic sound units are also called signs. Signs can be made with one hand or two hands and consist of a gesture that represents the meaning for the word being signed. ASL is composed of primarily one-handed signs because it was originally designed to be used by deaf people who couldn’t hear spoken language. Numbering list: Definition of Basic Sound Unit An individual symbol in an alphabet or other writing system, typically representing a consonant (or consonant cluster) followed by a vowel but not another consonant, as “b” in English call . A more technical term is phoneme [ˈfɒnɨmiː] Definition of Basic Sound Unit What is a basic sound unit? A sound, especially in a language, that forms the smallest phonetic unit of speech. A more technical term for these sounds is “phoneme.” In American Sign Language (ASL), signs are made with one or two hands and have meanings; ASL has primarily one-handed signs because it was originally designed to be used by deaf people who couldn’t hear spoken languages. These words consist of symbols which represent meaning rather than pronunciation like letters do in written English. The signers use drawings made with their fingers on their own body to form this alphabet so they can communicate without needing any type of device such as hearing aids or lip reading skills


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