a user’s forearms should extend ____ to a keyboard.,

keyboard, hardware, computer @ Pixabay

Do you ever notice that after an hour or two of typing at your keyboard, your wrists and hands are sore? This can be a sign that you’re not positioning yourself correctly to type. You may find that if you change the way in which you sit so that your forearms extend __ to a keyboard., it will reduce stress on these areas and allow for more comfortable typing.

keyboard, hardware, computer @ Pixabay


Proper Computer Posture: Your Forearms Should Extend __ to a Keyboard. Bullets points: -Do you ever notice that after an hour or two of typing at your keyboard. Your wrists and hands are sore? This can be a sign that you’re not positioning yourself correctly to type. You may find that if you change the way in which you sit so that your forearms extend __ to a keyboard., it will reduce stress on these areas and allow for more comfortable typing.0)0)>>|+|<<||>>||++||++|| || | [] [][] – () [‘ ‘] { } ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = 


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