A tropical depression can become more powerful by, Increasing the pressure gradient between the center and upper level of the atmosphere. Losing rainfall in all its forms. -Increasing the wind speed. A tropical depression will lose intensity if, It rains in all its forms and increases the pressure gradient between the center and upper level of the atmosphere. The winds at this point are also slower than they were before it rained. If rain continues to fall steadily for a long period of time over an area with light or no breeze there is potential for major flooding as well could be imminent which would intensify rainfall runoff by one hundred times! This type of event can cause serious damage to both property and life if precautions are not made beforehand.”}]}} {{section=Step 11: Considerations When Building Your Website{{section=”Considerations when building your website” Style=”margin: 0px 0px 15px;padding:0px;”}} -The most important thing to remember when building a website is that the design should be clean and simple. Websites are interactive now, so it’s best not to have too many options pop up on your screen at once. -It’s also helpful if you can use colors in different ways throughout your site because human eyes get tired of seeing one color for long periods of time. For example, try alternating between light blue and dark blue backgrounds with text boxes or images as well as using shades of each color within any given section.”}]}} {{section=Step 12: Creating Useful Content{{section=”Creating useful content” Style=”margin: 0px 0