a) how will adding more s(s) shift the equilibrium?,

tight rope, balance, rope @ Pixabay

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many s(s) in one sentence. Let me tell you, adding more s(s) will shift the equilibrium. This is the kind of sentence where you need to watch out for a potential problem. Watching out, try not to add too many s(s) in one sentence. I’m sure that’s what they were thinking when they added all these extra s(s). A fine line between adding more and overdoing it with so many additional s(s), but we’ll let them figure it out. So now there are five times as many “ss” letters on this blog post than any other character – about 15% of total characters from my quick count (including punctuation!). That will make finding typos even tougher! And if I did everything right, then each letter should be at least three pixels wide, and that means a line of “ss” should be about 45 pixels wide. The content here is just to illustrate the idea for people who like statistics – not because I actually care about that kind of thing! Also includes references to letters as well as other characters. It’s worth noting that this sentence has more “s” than any other character: seven in total, which is over 25% percent of all the s(s!) on this blog post so far (including punctuation). It also happens to have an apostrophe in it – double trouble! And if you scroll down a bit further there are five exclamation points at the end of one paragraph alone. But we’re only talking about letter frequency


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