A value that does not change.

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A constant is a value that does not change. This can be helpful when we want to know the exact distance between two points, for example- a constant can help us solve complicated equations and simplify our lives in many ways. In this post, we will explore how constants are used in different areas of life and why they are so important to have around. 

A Constant is a value that does not change. This can be helpful when we want to know the exact distance between two points, for example- a constant can help us solve complicated equations and simplify our lives in many ways.

thermometer, summer, heiss @ Pixabay

In this post, we will explore how constants are used in different areas of life and why they are so important to have around. In math- The most common use of Constants is with numbers like pi or e (natural logarithm). These values never change no matter what base you use, which makes them really handy when solving problems related to those subjects. For example, if you need an approximate answer quickly without doing any more work than simply typing it into your calculator – then there’s nothing.


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