Accepting god’s will

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“Accepting God’s Will” is a children’s book about a father and his son who have to accept the death of their mother. It teaches kids that it is okay to feel sad and mad, but in the end we should be thankful for all that our parents have done for us.

This book has been written by David James Smith, who also wrote “The Christmas Miracle.” This book is available for purchase on by David James Smith, who also wrote “The Christmas Miracle.” This book is available for purchase on

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Accepting God’s Will is a children’s book about a father and his son who have to accept the death of their mother. It teaches kids that it is okay to feel sad and mad, but in the end we should be thankful for all that our parents have done for us.

The author has written this story after he lost both of his parents when he was six years old. He wanted other people with similar stories not to feel so alone anymore because they need hope sometimes too just like everybody else does. So if you’re feeling really bad about


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