12 month marketing plan

planner, march, calendar @ Pixabay

In case you are wondering, the 12 month marketing plan is what allows me to sell you on my website.

It’s basically a list of key points that I want to address in my website’s marketing, along with links to your site to make you feel confident that I’m not just talking about my website.

I’m not going to lie, this is probably the most boring marketing document I have ever read. So I’d rather you read the one that actually works.

Let me know in the comments below what you see as the most boring marketing document you have ever read. It could be a list, a spreadsheet, or a list of links to a site. In any case, this plan is for you to read as a whole. I do not want to see the marketing document in its entirety, and I want you to get the whole package because its what makes this plan work.

Basically, my plan was not to include a marketing document at all. I wanted you to have a list of websites that you’ve linked to so you can start building links. I wanted you to look at the content on these sites, and see what content they have, see what the author says they have, and read some of the blogs they link to.

I think it is important for new marketers to know where their content comes from. If you don’t know where your content comes from, you would be hard pressed to make good content, and very likely to end up with crappy content. The content you read on blogs is usually crap because that’s the only way you’ll get the best content out of it. If you don’t know where your content comes from, then you will have very limited options for developing and promoting your own content.

A lot of bloggers write about what they eat or drink, the movies they watch, and what time they wake up in the morning. These are all good things to know about but they are not the same thing as a good marketing plan. A good marketing plan is something you can implement in your day job. If you dont know where your content comes from, youll have no idea how to promote your blog or make money off your blog.

Writing is a creative discipline and should be approached with that attitude. Just because something is hard to write, does not mean you cannot write it. When you write something that is not your own, you are putting your own stamp on it and you are taking the work on yourself. That is not something you can do a lot of other people, unless you have a very large budget.

It’s one of those things that we’ve all been guilty of. We’ve all at one point, tried to write something on our own and it just didn’t come out. Sometimes you have to start with something you are familiar with and then build from there. It’s like writing a story for a novel. The structure and characters that you use are things you already know and you’re just building what you already know.

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I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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