words not everyone understands


There is a wide range of what we think, feel, and believe. We each have our own way of understanding and being aware of reality. We each have our own level of self-awareness.

That’s why I’ve been writing a lot about self-awareness and awareness in the past few years, because it’s one of the most important things we can do to become more aware of what’s going on inside our brains. I’ve been doing some of the most interesting research into “how” people with self-awareness think too (and don’t), so I’m pretty excited about this new book.

The book is called Words Not Everyone Understands, and it’s written by Richard Band. Its a new book for me, but I’m sure it will be for a lot of you as well. I’m excited to read it because Ive always been interested in self-awareness. As a matter of fact, I remember my first time being self-aware as a very young child and I never forgot it.

Im sure you already know what words mean. In fact, words are a very small part of self-awareness. It is the rest that we dont understand. Im not saying that you should not write your own blog. I am saying you should write it in a way that makes it easy for a very tiny, very tiny group of people to understand it.

Words are a very small piece of self awareness. That’s why I love blog posts! No, I do not care if the main character of my blog writes a blog post every night. But I do want him to write it in a way that makes it easy for me to understand it.

Words are a great way of communicating with those who understand you, but they are not self awareness. You want a writer to write a blog post that you can understand? Great. But what if the writer is not actually that familiar with the subject? What if the writer has a completely different meaning in mind? The same thing happens with words.

Words do have meaning. The same as any other kind of visual representation, they carry a message with them.

It’s easier to see a word and figure out its meaning if you don’t have to understand the person who said it. It’s just that with words, we do have to do a bit more work. We have to imagine the word and see it in context, the same way that we would with a picture or a map.

So imagine a word like “the” and your brain will immediately begin to think “the”. So now imagine a word that has a meaning and we are now “The”. Now imagine a word that is an expression of what you want to say and its meaning will come up and then you have to think “the”, again. This is why it’s important to have a dictionary.

I’m sure at least one of us will have to say The in our vocabulary at some point. The first time I saw someone describe an article as A, I thought, “You mean like ‘A.’?” and I was wrong. The meaning of that word has nothing to do with a picture, a shape, or even words that are more than two syllables. It’s a word that has to exist in context.


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