who would be the most appropriate audience for this appeal


This appeal is for the general public, a group for whom it is hard to imagine yourself as being the most appropriate audience. Our general public is a great audience, but in their minds, they are in the same boat as all of us. That doesn’t mean we should ignore them.

It is impossible to ignore the general public, but in their minds, we are in the same boat as them. We are all at the mercy of the people who are doing the most to ruin us. We all have to work together to fix this.

No, this appeal is not for the general public. The general public is already getting tired of what our government is doing, but if we keep pushing them, they will eventually realize what we’re doing is wrong. And that’s exactly what we will do.

What we need to do is not only start talking to them, but we need to start listening. And that means we need to start having a dialogue about the problems we face. We already have plenty of data to point to.

If we don’t do something, there’s a good chance we will end up like the Soviet Union. What ended up happening there was that the Soviet Union had no access to the most basic level of information and had no way of knowing that the world was going to end. But even worse, the average Soviet had no idea how bad things could really get.

The Soviet Union had no internet at all, nor TV. They certainly didn’t have the means to build one. The only way that they could see it coming was if they were the last humans alive. In other words, they were “the last of the human race.

And when they were the last of the human race, they were the only ones that could see that the end was coming. So even if the Soviet Union had internet, TV, and money, they would have been powerless to stop it. Their only real weapon would be to let the rest of the world know the world was coming to an end.

So the best way to deal with that would be to try and convince the rest of the world to go to TV. The best way to get all of the old Soviet Union to go to TV would be to have our own TV show. That way we’d be able to convince the rest of the world that the Soviet Union was about to crumble and the TV show could be the one to do it.

Who would be the best audience? A general audience would just be pretty lame, seeing as it is basically just a bunch of random people sitting in front of a computer. However, there are people out there that would actually enjoy it. Our target demographic is the one that will be able to watch a TV show with a bunch of random people.

The people that would enjoy this are the people that have something to say. The people that would be most likely to be watching the show are the ones that would feel like the show is relevant and interesting. The people that might not be watching the show are the ones that are watching it to see what happens. In the case of the show, the people that will be watching it are the ones that would enjoy watching it.


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