colloquial in a sentence


Here is a colloquial sentence that I have seen in a few friends’ blogs: “I got this guy a job in a restaurant. He worked really hard for this job and now I’m gonna make sure he gets something better.” I personally like this sentence because it emphasizes how many people are in a position of needing to use their abilities.

It is a good sentence. It demonstrates the need to use power and is a colloquial sentence. It is not a bad sentence though.

I agree with the sentiment, but I think the reason that it is not a bad sentence is because it is not overly aggressive. The problem is when you put the emphasis on the word power, it becomes an overly aggressive sentence because it stresses that power is needed. It is a good sentence, but not a good one. I think that it is too much of a push even when we are using a colloquial sentence in it. It is more of a statement.

colloquial sentences with a strong emphasis on power are much better. I think it is because they are more direct and concise. It is also one of those sentences that make you think the writer is trying to tell you something.

I agree that it is a colloquial sentence, and I think it is one of those sentences that try to make you think that the writer is trying to tell you something. This might be because of my strong German accent. I like to use colloquial sentences where I can use a strong emphasis on power.

I have this problem with some sentences, like this one, where the power is in the subject. I can’t help but think this is an attempt to make you think the writer is trying to tell you something. I think it is because I have a tendency to use strong emphasis on power or to use it in a direct way like “he used to be on the TV” rather than a more indirect way like “he used to be on the TV.

I thought the same thing when I came across this sentence in the dictionary. I am not sure what it means, but I feel like it is trying to say that the writer thinks the writer has some special kind of power that makes him or her a better writer. The writer is not the subject in this sentence, because the writer is not the word that is being used to make the sentence.

It’s a bit of a stretch, but colloquial can also be used to make a sentence sound more natural, or more familiar. I always feel that the writer of this sentence is trying to convey that the writer is a better writer because he or she is using a word that sounds more familiar to the reader, or it sounds like a word that the reader has heard before.

This can work in a sentence, as well. I’ve had this sentence in my head for a while, and I’ve been writing it all day. I’m sure it’s a good one, but I’ve not yet been able to put it into words.

Its a great one to write from your own brain. If you write something and you put it in your own words, and you write your own meaning, it really speaks to your own creativity.


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