well that was easy


this was so hard, but I think I finally figured it out.

After more than a decade of playing games, I finally understood what it is that makes a game “really” hard. Sometimes it’s because it’s hard to get the right balance of mechanics in a game. Sometimes it’s because a game is too complicated, or a game has too many options.

I think it all has to do with the balance between gameplay and story. A lot of games are made a little harder in a lot of ways, but what’s really important is how easy it is to play at the end to get a sense of how the story is going to end. When a game is too hard, it often feels forced. When a game is too easy, it feels very easy.

Of course I hate to talk about games that are too easy or too hard. I like my games easy, so I don’t get that. But the problem is that some games are easy and most games aren’t. The problem is when games are too easy, the stories told in these games feel forced. The problem is when games are too hard, the games feel too easy.

A game like Bloodborne is a great example of a game that’s hard and easy at the same time. The game itself is very easy, but when you get to the end, you realize that it’s not so easy after all. The game is very hard, but when you get to the end, it’s incredibly easy. It’s almost like the game is saying, “come through, it’s easy.

Exactly. You end up saying the same thing in a way that feels forced and forced feels forced. It’s hard and hard, but then it’s hard and then it’s hard again. There’s a point in every good or great game where you just say, “fuck it” and just go straight for the hard part. And that’s what happens in Bloodborne.

Well, its the same thing in the end game of a game. But in the first half of the game you are forced to play it to its very end. And the only thing left for you to do is choose to give up, and the rest of the game tells you when you should and should not do that. So that is how you learn to walk away from a game.

You have to learn how to walk away from a game in order to learn to play it. And if you don’t learn when you should and when you should not do that, you won’t have anything to learn in the end.

That’s the first and last thing that you learn as a player in these games. Its how to walk away from a game and not give up when you should. And if you do, you will find yourself at the end of a game at which point you will have learned how to walk away from a game.

You also learn how to play the game in order to learn how to play it.


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