and simple absolutely clear


This quote is one of those that reminds me to be more intentional in my life and make the most out of the little things in life, particularly the little things that we can’t see or do everything we want to without a second thought. Life is so short. Our lives are so precious, and we’ve got to make the most of that.

This is an article that I found very interesting when I was researching a very interesting (and very well-done) article. It shows that simple, clear goals like those above have a lot of power over the lives of people. This is because they’re so simple. They’re so clear that you can do them anyway you want and never have to think about them.

This is also something that makes me think about our relationship with technology. Like our ability to automate things, there’s a good chance that we were the ones who did the first thing first. Or maybe we were the ones who didn’t do anything at all. You know, when we were children and had to make our own decisions.

The point is, you can do things that will make you a better person (or more effective) because you dont have to think about them. So when we talk about automation, it seems like we’re talking about doing things automatically rather than thinking about what to do. It also seems like a lot of people, especially those who are into startups, are against automation. I think it’s because they feel like we’re taking things away from them.

You know, when we were kids, we didn’t have to think about getting a job. We could just do it. We didn’t even know what they were going to expect of us. We went to school because we wanted to learn. We had no reason to think that we had to worry about anything. Even now, I think a lot of people think about working. But there is no reason to.

It’s not just the idea of automation that is a problem. It’s what it means to you. In fact, I think a lot of people are just too afraid of what they will do to try to change it. There’s a reason why people have cars. There’s a reason why people have houses. It’s not because they’re just going to get into those houses and start living in them. It’s because there’s a reason why we build things.

Automation is a problem because it is very easy to create work that is repetitive, mindless, and not interesting. It is just so easy to get it wrong. We need to be careful that we don’t get too comfortable with that, because that will make us more prone to becoming slaves to our work. Even something as simple as a sewing machine can become a slave to the repetitive task of sewing.

Its because it looks cool to us that something like sewing machine will become a slave to repetitive task and become a slave to the repetitive task of sewing. Its because we cant do the repetitive task of sewing and still have our nice clean house.

It seems as though our obsession with neatness has taken over our house, as we are not allowed to do the things that we just said we could. The simple fact is that the simple things in life can become a slave to the repetitive task of being a slave. Just look at how many of the things that we are allowed to do now we had to do before.

I think the thing we have to remember is that humans are not robots. If we had access to a robot that could do the same repetitive task that we do, we could do it with the same ease. Of course, we don’t want to make that happen, but I think it is worth considering that our obsession with being neat and tidy has taken over our lives and we are slaves to this.


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