which of the following statements is true of cause-related marketing?


(1) Cause-related marketing is a better strategy than cause-related advertising.

2 Cause-related marketing is a better strategy than cause-related advertising.

There are two major reasons why cause-related marketing works better than cause-related advertising. First, cause-related marketing will get you more “word of mouth” (word of mouth is a marketing term used to describe the process of getting other people to talk about your product or service). Second, cause-related marketing will get you more visibility and exposure which will help you sell more to your target audience.

Cause-related marketing is just what it sounds like, marketing that gets people talking about your cause.

While advertising is often about making sure your company is in front of the right consumers at the right time, cause-related marketing is about getting people to talk about your cause. It’s about getting people to talk about your cause so that they’ll tell others about your cause, and that means getting your story into the media.

Cause-related marketing can be the most powerful kind of advertising because it’s so much more than just getting your story in front of the right people. Cause-related marketing is about getting customers to talk about your cause so that theyll tell their friends about your cause, and that means getting your story into the media.

Cause-related marketing is the process of getting your story into the media. The term is derived from the phrase, “cause-related” which is the process of getting your story into the media. It’s about getting people to talk about your cause so that theyll tell their friends about your cause, and that means getting your story into the media.

The idea behind cause-related marketing is to get your organization’s story out into the public so that people will talk about your cause. Cause-related marketing is the process of getting your story into the media. Its about getting people to talk about your cause so that theyll tell their friends about your cause, and that means getting your story into the media.

Cause-related marketing doesn’t just involve getting your story out in the media. It also involves getting your story in the media, and there’s a lot of overlap between cause-related marketing and media marketing. Cause-related marketing isn’t just about writing a story, it’s also about getting your story in the media. It’s about getting your story into the media.

While you can do both cause-related marketing and media marketing, they have very little overlap. First off, cause-related marketing is always focused on your cause. It has to be. It has to be focused on the problem youre trying to solve. Media marketing is focused on you. It is focused on making the public aware of you and your cause, or your brand.

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